This week is so hot that many people can't stand the temperature.
Some went out to traval, some stayed in the room have air condition, and some people went to eat ice cream.
Last week was also so hot and my classmates and I want to eat ice cream.
But, after all we didn't go down the moutain.
I didn't eat ice cream last weekend.
Because the temperature is so high that bringing up some great ice cream shop.
The first shop apear my eyes is "Toilet" that is a special ice shop.
The adornments there are stools, bathtubs, washbowls, and showers.
Since these adornments, let the ice shop looks like a toilet.
The ice cream there is named in "poo-poo" like that "green poo-poo", "black poo-poo", and so on.
Food in the restaurant is not only ice cream but also dinner food.
That is a toilet theme restaurant.
It is so funny when you eat ice cream face a stool and sat on a stool.
When you are free, you can go there and order a stool of ice cream!
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