Do you remenber last mounth I have mentioned TAROKO(太魯閣號)?
It is the new train of Tairail(台鐵) and it has began working on the rode but just on the railroad of eastern line.
TAROKO began working on May 8, 2007 that day is a important point of train reforming.
In order to harmony with high speed train was open to vehicular traffic.
Tairail order numbers of new trains and set many new station to harmony with high speed train.
TAROKO is a part of the plans.
TAROKO has two adventages and one of these is that it can help us save time.
Tairail use TAROKO to short the time of Taipei(台北) to Hualian(花蓮).
Why can it short the time of Taipei to Hualian?
Because it can with high speed when it through the bend, it can help peaple save time.
Now, you take the train from Taipei to Hualian just spend 2 hours.
Before TAROKO worked on the road, the festest train spend 150 minutes from Taipei to Hualian.
Because that, TAROKO help us save 30 minutes.
Second, the ticket is cheaper than high speed train.
Although TAROKO the speed is slower than high speed train, the price of the ticket is helf of high speed train ticket.
I think that when I am free I want to take the train to eastern Taiwan.
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